Saturday, April 17, 2010

Briefly list and explain the following (a) Right, wrong, and okay; (b) Distinguish wrong and harm; (c) Separating goals from constraints; (d) Personal

Right, wrong and okay: With ethical dilemmas there are several options that can be ethically accepted with no specific one being ethically required. You can't really break these into categories of right or wrong, it is best to think of situations as ethically obligatory, ethically prohibited or ethically acceptable.

Distinguish wrong and harm: Causing harm is wrong, but harm alone is not enough to judge whether something is ethical or not.

Separating goals from constraints: Ethics teach us what actions are acceptable or not acceptable in our attempts to reach our goals. Working hard, investing our money wisely and being an interesting and decent person can achieve goals. Lying and cheating to reach your goal is ethically wrong.

Personal preference and ethics: A personal preference lets say you work for an animal shelter that believes in euthanizing, but you think it is ethically wrong, it is your personal preference to not work there.

Law and Ethics: Ethics precedes law in the sense that ethical principle help to determine whether or not we should pass specific laws. We are ethically obligated to obey laws that enforce ethical rules.

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